

試聽 聽全曲
楊惟 自六歲初始接受音樂教育,開始學習中國民族古典樂器、樂曲,十三歲那年,將自己的志向立定於需要高超技藝的琵琶演奏上,1978年以優異成績考入上海民族樂團,於焉得以向多位老師學習琵琶,先後有陳宏仁、畢志光、謝家國、林石城、湯良興、孫裕德、馬聖龍、秦鵬章、龔萬里、葉緒然、劉德海等諸位老師,特別是在中國琵琶大師劉德海老師的指導下,使其無論在琴藝或是思惟上皆得到更多啟發。楊惟亦曾任職於上海民族樂團,擔任琵琶獨奏,參與全國巡迴演出,並曾出訪歐、亞州,其精湛的音樂表現在各地倍受矚目,更在1989年「ART杯中國樂器國際比賽」中獲琵琶青年專業組一等獎。



Yang Wei began his journey into music at the age of six by learning traditional Chinese instruments and songs. In 1978, he tested with flying colors into the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, where he was able to enhance his pipa skills through the guidance of a number of orchestra members. With particular direction from pipa master Liu De-hai, Yang received rich inspiration with regards to both performance aesthetic and ideas. He performed as a soloist and participated in nationwide tours with the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra. Performing in Europe and Asia, his superb technique attracted extensive attention. Furthermore, he won numerous prizes in musical competitions.

In 1996, he moved to the US and worked hard to spread the legacy of traditional Chinese music. Since then, he has composed many new interpretations of Western pieces. In 2000, he was invited to take part in Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road Project. He has also participated in concerto and indoor performances with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.

Yang has a solid, comprehensive foundation which emphasizes the harmonious interplay of hard and soft in expressing plain, natural beauty. As a result, his music is delicate, vivid, and rich with diversity, producing an irresistible sense of appeal and vitality.

