專輯 - 14 首歌曲 |


試聽 聽全曲


一般人對於馬水龍作品的認識僅限於國際上赫赫有名的《梆笛協奏曲》,馬水龍的鋼琴獨奏曲卻鮮為人知(除了比較常演出的短曲《雨港素描》與給學子們的民謠改編曲)。 馬水龍的鋼琴作品最早於六〇年代學生時期即獲得獎項,《迴旋曲》、《台灣組曲》兩者開啟了台灣傳統風味的在地風格,並在六〇年代末走入較為自由的詩意,創作出如印象派意境的《雨港素描》;接著於留學德國時期寫出了以台灣歌〈心酸酸〉家鄉味為主題的《鋼琴變奏曲》,與受歐洲表現主義風潮所影響、結構嚴謹且中西多面向的《鋼琴奏鳴曲》;最後於二十世紀末,回到意象豐富又破格的作品《關渡素描》,然而這回大刀破釜,同時大膽又細膩,將鋼琴作品以管弦樂的層次發揮其色彩表現的極致。最可貴的是即便跳脫傳統五聲音階的寫作手法,馬水龍的作品在最受歐洲或現代浪潮影響之下,仍然保有濃厚的東方聲響與意象,可謂其濃厚的文化與家鄉底蘊深根其心靈與思維,作為代表東方在地及台灣本土的聲音極為適切。

本專輯為繼馬水龍夫人鋼琴家許子珍女士於1978年錄製出版四十餘年後的第一片馬水龍鋼琴作品專輯,也是首次收錄所有馬水龍鋼琴獨奏原創的錄音全集。在此收錄的世界錄音首演作品有三首:1. 《迴旋曲》 (1963) 2. 《鋼琴變奏曲》 (1974) 3. 《關渡素描》 (2000);其中《鋼琴變奏曲》為遺作,手稿於作曲家過世後才被發現,主題採用姚讚福歌曲〈心酸酸〉,雖為馬水龍留德國時期的作品,但於2015以後才出版。

The present recording gathers all the published original solo piano works by the most recognized composer from 20th century Taiwan, Ma Shui-Long (1939-2015). Known internationally primarily as the creator of the Concerto for Bamboo Flute and Orchestra, Ma’s canon includes a vast amount of chamber music, and a significant amount of orchestral works, some with chorus, and some for the dance theater. His piano works, except for A Sketch of the Rainy Harbor and volumes of arrangement of folk pieces, still need more introduction to the public. The earliest works in the 1960’s explored a musical language grounded in pentatonic counterpoint such as in his Rondo and Taiwan Suite, both rich in traditional Taiwan flavor. By the end of that decade, with A Sketch of the Rainy Harbor, Ma starts to explore into a freer poetic and impressionist-like realm. During the mid-1970’s he further pushed the boundaries with the influences of his studies in Germany, writing the intimate posthumous Variations based on a popular Taiwanese lament song with a fugue in the last variation, and a large-scale intricate Sonata in a somewhat Expressionist style. Finally, at the end of the 20th Century, his A Sketch of Kuan Du stood out from previous styles, using a bold atonal language, coloristic and thematic, with an orchestral texture in several layers all on a single piano keyboard, thereby successfully achieving a large canvas of tone-painting which demands the pianist’s artistry encompassing all dimensions on the instrument. Nevertheless, however avant-garde or strongly influenced by the West, Ma’s music always keeps a distinguishable Eastern sound immersed in the Taiwanese ambiance. With this album, it can be said that a series of tone-sketches emerge naturally, representing his homeland, thus the name of the present album - Sketches from Taiwan.

Of the six works presented here, three are recording premieres: Variations for Piano; A Sketch of Kuan Du; Rondo for Piano. The album here is the first in over forty years dedicated to Ma’s piano works since Madam Ma’s recording in 1978, and the first complete collection of Ma’s published original piano solo works.



