陶笛阿志15週年創作專輯<好時光> (Ocarina A-Zhi's 15th Anniversary Album <Good Times>)
專輯 - 12 首歌曲 |

陶笛阿志15週年創作專輯<好時光> (Ocarina A-Zhi's 15th Anniversary Album <Good Times>)

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12 首歌曲

It’s been fifteen years and there is so much I want to say.

2001 was a really lucky year for me. That was the first year I encountered the ocarina and I remember deeply how this little instrument fascinated me.In March 2003, I released my first album of ocarina music, Encounter with the Ocarina.Now fifteen years have gone by in the blink of an eye. I have worked hard to make the ocarina a musical instrument that everyone can enjoy—never stopping in pursuit of this goal.And as I see how quickly the number of people in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China who play the ocarina has grown, I think it has all been worthwhile. Seeing friends and children playing the ocarina delights me, and their enjoyment of its music makes me feel like my energies have been well used.Now that I have spent fifteen years doing this, it seems like a good time to leave a mark.This album, <Good Times>, is my fifteenth anniversary album. In making it, I have worked together with artists from various fields, including Xie Hanke, Guang Yu, Wu Jindai, He Zhenzhen, Xu Manxuan, Dai Zhilong, and Chen Jiawen. I hope the result is different from what I have done before—that it is filled with even more meaning and variety—and that this enriches the musical style of the entire album.I want to thank all my friends who play the ocarina. You have helped make my dreams come true. I am looking forward to another fifteen years of music!


從上一張 『陶迪樂園』完成後,阿志一直跟我再討論及構思下一張專輯的風格。 『好時光』是第11張專輯,也是阿志出道15週年的里程碑,老實說在這個賣CD很不景氣的年代,壓力實在是蠻大的。不過在阿志強大的意念中,我們完成了令我們滿意的作品。這張專輯除了阿志自己的創作以外,他也邀請了一路上的貴人,及許多優秀的音樂人一起激盪創作。所以,曲風多元,我們從民謠玩到電子元素再到中國風及心靈沈澱的曲子。這些激盪讓陶笛展現了很多有趣的可能性。另外,值得一提的是專輯再次收錄阿志的成名曲<森林狂想曲>,我們還做了兩個版本。要重製這首神曲真的是抓破腦袋,一來是要符合聽眾的熟悉感,二來是要如何在這熟悉感裡製造驚喜。 最終我們定調把這首曲子做成可以讓大家現場演奏的鋼琴三重奏及陶笛四重奏兩個版本。 阿志一直有個信念是“音樂是分享的”,他希望除了他可以吹奏以外,其他的音樂同好也可以跟朋友享受一起合奏的樂趣。 我由衷的希望這個信念會一直一直地傳遞下去,就像專輯裡<蒲公英的飛行>的意義一樣,把對音樂,對陶笛的喜愛及執著散播出去!

A note from the producer

Ever since we finished the last album, A-Zhi and I have been talking about his next one. <Good Times> is his eleventh album, and it is also a milestone marking the fifteenth year of his career playing the ocarina. To be honest, this isn’t a good time for the sale of CDs, and there is a lot of pressure. But we have made an album we are satisfied with.In recording this album, A-Zhi invited a lot of great musicians to join him. This has lent the music a special variety. We have included folk songs and Chinese traditional music, electronic music and somber tunes. Exploring different forms like this really lets the ocarina show its amazing versatility.One thing that I should mention is that this album includes two different re-recordings of A-Zhi’s well-known song, “Forest Fantasia.” Creating new versions of this tune was really a challenge. We had to satisfy everyone who was already familiar with it, and at the same time we had to give them something new and surprising. Finally we decided to arrange this two different ways, one for a piano trio and the other for an ocarina quartet. A-Zhi has always said that “Music is shared,” and he hopes that other musicians and music fans will be able to enjoy this music with their friends.I hope from the bottom of my heart that the idea “Music is shared” will be passed on forever, just like the dandelion in “The Flight of the Dandelion.”
Hank Hsieh

1.島嶼奏鳴曲“Song of the Island”
Music: Dai Zhilong , You Xuezhi
Arrangement: Hank Hsieh, You Xuezhi
Violin: Liao Boya
Cello: Yang Piece
Percussion: Guo Wenxi

I write music to convey Taiwan's beauty and Chi Po-Lin created films to record Taiwan's beauty. I always wished for a chance to work together with him but was never able to do so. I respectfully offer this tune to the memory of a man who pursued his dreams.

2.森林狂想曲(森林版)“Forest Fantasia” (Forest version)
Music: Wu Jindai
Arrangement: Chen Yihan, Wu Jindai, You Xuezhi
自然聲音採集: 吳金黛
Natural sounds: Wu Jindai
大自然聲音編輯: 陳一涵
Editor of natural sounds: Chen Yihan
小提琴: 廖柏雅
Violin: Liao Boya
Cello: Yang Peishi
打擊: 郭文喜
Percussion: Guo Wenxi

“Forest Fantasia” is a song with a lot of meaning for me because it brought me my first chance to create an album of ocarina music. On the 15th anniversary of my career playing the ocarina, I wanted to reinterpret this song and record it again , bringing it closer to the sound of the forest. We had a lot of fun recording this one!

3.好時光 “Good Times”
Music and Arrangement: He Zhenzhen
小提琴: 廖柏雅
Violin: Liao Boya
Cello: Yang Peishi
Guitar: Wu Pinxian
Percussion: Guo Wenxi



Fifteen years ago, when I first encountered the ocarina, we became bound together. From my first ocarina recording to my first store specializing in ocarina sales, I have grown from a child who understood little into the father of three children of my own.

Over these fifteen years, many people have asked me: How did I know that the ocarina could become a business? To tell the truth, I never thought about it. All I thought about was that I loved this instrument and wanted to promote it. Maybe it was that passion that has kept me going. I want to thank this partner who has accompanied me on every album these last fifteen years. We have all had “Good Times” with the ocarina!

4.京城之秋 “Autumn in the Capital”
Music: You Xuezhi, Hank Hsieh
Arrangement: Hank Hsieh
小提琴: 廖柏雅
Violin: Liao Boya
Cello: Yang Peishi
Pipa: Kang Lingyuan

北京的秋天 蕭瑟
但北京的秋天 卻有一股傲氣
我希望我的陶笛生涯 也可以有一股北京的傲氣
I have traveled to Beijing many times in recent years to promote the ocarina. Autumn in Beijing is bleak, but it has a kind of pride. I hope that I can have some pride in my career playing the ocarina—and that maybe I have some reason for that.

5.年“The Year”
Music and arrangement: He Zhenzhen
小提琴: 廖柏雅
Violin: Liao Boya
Cello: Yang Peishi
琵琶: 康齡元
Pipa: Kang Lingyuan

I really like the atmosphere of a New Year's celebration. It gives me a feeling of belonging. It is at New Year's that grandparents from the country, distant relatives, and all those members of the family that I can't keep straight come together in one place. We talk about all the things that happened in the previous year, and even though we only have a few days together, it gives us the strength to keep going in the next.

6.蒲公英的飛行 “The Flight of the Dandelion”
作曲: 遊學志、謝漢克
Music: You Xuezhi and Hank Hsieh
編曲: 謝漢克
Arrangement: Hank Hsieh
小提琴: 廖柏雅
Violin: Liao Boya
Cello: Yang Peishi
烏克麗麗: 阿信
Ukulele: A-Xin
Guitar: Wu Pinxian
打擊: 郭文喜
Percussion: Guo Wenxi

For me, the dandelion is a plant with a tremendous will to live. It can flourish in nearly any sort of environment, no matter how harsh. The fuzzy white globe of the dandelion releases its seeds to float in the wind, and wherever the wind takes them, there each takes root and grows into a new flower.

7.風的故事 “The Story of the Wind”
作曲、編曲: 謝漢克、遊學志
Music and arrangement: Hank Hsieh, You Xuezhi
打擊: 郭文喜
Percussion: Guo Wenxi

一陣風吹過 帶著一群蒲公英孩子 吹到了片未知的土地
在哪裡 蒲公英的孩子落了根
發芽 成長 茁壯
在我看來一株蒲公英 好比是我 而我搭上名為風的機會
將我的夢想散播出去 儘管前方 仍是未知
但我知道 我可以的 我將會在新的地方再次展開我新的故事
The wind blows and brings the children of the dandelion to this piece of unknown earth. When those children of the dandelion fall, they sprinkle their lives—they sprout and grow. And it seems to me that I am a lot like a dandelion. I have ridden on opportunity called wind, which has spread my dreams and pushed me forward to an unknown place. But I know I can do it—that I will begin a new story in that new place.

8.池上稻浪“At the Rice Paddy”
作曲、編曲: 謝漢克 、游學志
Music and arrangement: Hank Hsieh and You Xuezhi
小提琴: 廖柏雅
Violin: Liao Boya
打擊: 郭文喜
Percussion: Guo Wenxi
Vocal chorus: 孫磊、庫龍、陳瑞祥、沈煒筌、沈芯羽、游學志、謝漢克

金黃色的陽光 撒在稻穗上
一陣風吹來 一波波 一波波稻浪輕襲而來
The golden yellow sunlight shines on the heads of rice. A breeze comes and makes waves, and the waves stir the rice. This scene moves me, and I think about the farmers who worked for years to produce this result.

9.深秋日記“Deep Autumn Diary”
作曲: 光禹
Music: Guang Yu
Arrangement: Hank Hsieh and You Xuezhi
Violin: Liao Boya
Cello: Yang Peishi

情感雖已飄遠 難以回首
往事點滴 卻依然駐足心頭
只是 當秋風吹來 枯葉飄落時
When feelings have floated far, it’s hard to look back, but the remnants of the past still halt my heart. When the autumn wind comes and the dry leaves fall, a bit of my sadness falls away, too. All I can do is take the beauty of the past and the desolation of the present into my heart.

10.森林狂想曲(四重奏)“Forest Fantasia” (Quartet version)
作曲: 吳金黛
Music: Wu Jindai
編曲: 陳一涵.吳金黛.游學志
Arrangement: Chen Yihan, Wu Jindai, You Xuezhi
小提琴: 廖柏雅
Violin: Liao Boya
Cello: Yang Peishi
Guitar: Wu Pinxian

再一次的山林旅行中 我開始想為森林狂想曲寫一個四重奏的版本
Whenever I encounter a creative block, or life just isn’t going my way, I always want to head to the mountain forest. I want to go see the wildflowers, hear the flowing water, feel the breezes, and perceive the life force of the forest. While traveling again in the mountains, I began to imagine this arrangement of “Forest Fantasia” for a quartet.

11.晨之光 “Dawn Light”
Music: Xu Manxuan and You Xuezhi
Arrangement: Xu Manxuan
小提琴: 廖柏雅
Violin: Liao Boya
Cello: Yang Peishi
Zither: Xu Manxuan
手碟:安格 Angus Lee
Hang: Angus Lee

My mood at the moment I open my eyes determines whether the day will be good or bad. So for me, morning is extremely important. In the last few years, I have thought a lot about my youth in the country, when I’d get up in the morning and see the sun on the trees, on the rice, and on the dew, and I’d smell the fragrance of the grass. And I would feel like this was the day I was hoping for. This kind of scene is hard for me to find now—nowadays it’s usually the noise of our children that wakes me!

11.風的故事 “The Story of the Wind”
作曲、編曲: 謝漢克.游學志
Music and arrangement: Hank Hsieh, You Xuezhi
打擊: 郭文喜
Percussion: Guo Wenxi

一陣風吹過 帶著一群蒲公英孩子 吹到了片未知的土地
在哪裡 浦公英的孩子落了根
發芽 成長 茁壯
在我看來一株蒲公英 好比是我 而我搭上名為風的機會
將我的夢想散播出去 儘管前方 仍是未知
但我知道 我可以的 我將會在新的地方再次展開我新的故事
The wind blows and brings the children of the dandelion to this piece of unknown earth. When those children of the dandelion fall, they sprinkle their lives—they sprout and grow. And it seems to me that I am a lot like a dandelion. I have ridden on opportunity called wind, which has spread my dreams and pushed me forward to an unknown place. But I know I can do it—that I will begin a new story in that new place.

12.因為你"Because of You"
Music: Chen Jiawen
Arrangement: Chen Yihan and You Xuezhi
小提琴: 廖柏雅
Violin: Liao Boya
Cello: Yang Peishi
Guitar: Wu Pinxian
三味線: 鍾於叡
Shamisen: Zhong Yurui

如夏夜的星子 因你又一次繁華
像望日的明月 因你又再一次圓滿
A seed of hope is planted in the fertile soil of my dreams. The sun rises and the moon sets, springs go and autumns come. Like the stars of the summer night, because of you it blooms again. Like the new moon, because of you it is full again.



