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3 首歌曲

我們都是生活中的 Marie,平凡卻又努力,譜曲 Acid Jazz,攪拌酸甜。

以「Acid Marie」隱喻酸澀人生,像一群生活音樂家與觀察家
13 種人生、9 種樂器、4 種嗓音
再現 19 世紀大樂團時代之感動

「微酸瑪莉 Acid Marie」於 2011 年由鼓手──晏騰與貝斯手──芳成在台北醫學大學就學期間創立,並於完成招募吉他手、鍵盤手與主唱──瑪莉之後,以樂團名稱「瑪莉與樂手 Maire Mucici」進行活動。活動初期以翻 Incognito、Tower of Power、Stevie Wonder、Jamiroquai⋯⋯等樂團歌曲及類似風格歌曲為主。2012 年因樂團人事更迭,迎來新任鍵盤手──貞吟以及吉他手──Jimmy,開始了創作歌曲製作與發表;同年,為了更能表達樂團風格,正式更名為「微酸瑪莉 Acid Marie」。

2013 年,除了新增鍵盤手──庭宜,微酸瑪莉亦陸續招募新樂手以完整樂團編制,包括 3 位和聲──喻柔、Ggs、Rita 與 3 位管樂手──偉弘(薩克斯風與長笛)、夏威夷 (小號)、Amy (長號),其中 Rita 亦同時加入歌曲創作行列。

2015 年 10 月,樂團創作核心人物之 ──Jimmy,面臨了突如其來的變故,這場變故使他因此歷經多次複雜手術,樂團也陷入停團危機。亦因主唱──瑪莉即將生產,故於同年 11 月進行了暫別演出。

2018 年,在 Jimmy 多次勤勉的復健下,即便暫時無法像過去彈奏吉他,卻仍能憑藉著對生活以及音樂的熱情,以令所有復健師驚訝的進步速度,作為音樂顧問的角色回歸微酸瑪莉。當年 8 月,在招募樂團多年吉他手好友──BoBo 成為正式團員後,舉辦了賦歸演唱。回想創團至今歷經的 8 個年頭,疊加著團員們身上所累積的故事,作為人生中的里程碑,即使早已想到會遇到種種困難,仍於 2018 年 12 月決定並開始籌備,將至今所累計的創作歌曲製作為 EP 和專輯,把微酸瑪莉的故事濃縮並提煉在作品裡。

【關於 EP】

「樂言者 ForTuneTeller」──唸樂(ㄩㄝˋ)言者

取音樂的「樂」字、Tune 取「音調」之意,代表著「微酸瑪莉 Acid Marie」樂團特殊的音樂風格,而我們將作為說故事的人,訴說著微酸瑪莉音樂中的酸甜苦辣。

此外,亦取 Fortuneteller「預言者」的原意,以及 Fortune 的「幸運」之意,作為微酸瑪莉樂團首次發行的創作作品,預言此 EP 能為之帶來好運。

本張 EP 所收錄的三首歌曲,分別由微酸瑪莉樂團中三位創作者所創作,期待能滿足追求不同風格音樂的你。


#1〈活著 Still Alive〉


 2012 年當下,只剩軀殼庸碌糊塗。


#2〈需要浪漫 Romance〉


 向前踩 ¼ 步, 閃進平行時空;倒退踏 ¾ 步,卻接上昨日午後的大雨⋯⋯

 It's living,更需要用浪漫去堆砌自己的樹狀圖,
 以多樣的面貌調和出一份精彩,屬於城市中靈魂的藏身之處。」──黃釥銓 Rita


「Belief 的誕生,


 是為人不知的,美麗與哀愁。」──王俊驊 Jimmy

Like rhythm in the jazz chords,
Life is a pinch of sour and bitterness, even a taste of melancholy, but the slight acid brings out the fun of the journey.
We are all Marie in life, ordinary and hardworking, composing Acid Jazz with stirring sour and sweetness.

'Acid Marie' is a metaphor of sour life, like a group of life musicians and observers.
13 kinds of life, 9 musical instruments and 4 voices.
Like a miniature of the complex society, the combination of joys and sorrows of all the main characters creates the harmony in music.
Composes Jazz, Funk, Latin, Soul, Disco and multi-branch elements.
Recreates the sensation of the Big Band in the Swing Era.
Perform songs with open ending that can be freely interpreted.

'Acid Marie' was founded in 2011 by drummer Yen and bassist Changes while studying at Taipei Medical University. Later joined guitarist, keyboardist and lead vocalist Marie performed as the band 'Marie Mucici'. At early stage, the band performed cover version of Incognito, Tower of Power, Stevie Wonder, Jamiroquai and mainly other songs with similar styles. In 2012, due to personal changes of members, the band welcomed new keyboardist Chen-Yin and guitarist Jimmy started composing and producing their own works. In the same year, the band changed its name to 'Acid Marie' hence expresses their style of music. In 2013, new keyboardist Tingi was recruited along with 3 other harmony singers (Zoe, Ggs and Rita) and 3 brass and woodwind musicians (Saxophonist/Flute player Wei-Hung, trumpeter Hawaii Liang and trombonists Amy). Rita also joined the group of songwriting.

In October 2015, one of the core member of the band, Jimmy, was facing sudden changes in his life and undergoing multiple complex surgeries, thus led to the crisis of suspension of the band. And the lead singer Marie was about to give birth, therefore the band held a temporary farewell performance in November. In 2018, Jimmy achieved a remarkable recovery during rehabilitation relying on his passion towards life and music. His recovery surprised all of the rehab physicians and even though he couldn't play the guitar like he used to, but was able to rejoin 'Acid Marie' as a consultant. In August of the same year, after a longtime friend of the band guitarist BoBo joined, the band made a comeback performance. Recalling the last 8 years since the band's formation, with all the life experiences of each member, and as a milestone of life, they decided to prepare for an EP and an album. Despite foreseen obstacles, the decision was made in December 2018, and the album will combine all of their own songs upon till this day and it represents the condensed extract of our life.

'ForTuneTeller' – A person who tells the tune.
Take the word 'tune' and its meaning pitch, this represents the unique style of music that 'Acid Marie' has.
We will be storytellers, telling the joys and sorrows in the music of 'Acid Marie'.
In addition, also takes the original definition of 'fortuneteller' and the meaning 'fortune', hoping it will bring luck to the initial release of 'Acid Marie'.

3 songs are included in this EP, which created by 3 of the songwriters in 'Acid Marie'. Hope this satisfies your expectations in different styles of music.


01. Still Alive

Same afternoon in the rain,
He sits down by the window having afternoon tea while 'checking in'
She waits on the bench outside the room, waiting white coat to sentence the death or life.
In 2012, only remains soulless body, thoughtless mind and confusion.
No war and fire, no hunger and casualty.
Life is bright, why complain?
Just don't look, don't listen, don't say, and don’t think.
Erase expectations, stop your imaginations.
To survive, not hard at all.
Not, at all.
-- Chen-Yin Chen

02. Romance

The melody, rhythm, sounds of instruments in the music, creates colorful images.
Paints the picture of people's busy living.
Stress are busy, people are shouting, fast pace never slows down.
Forward ¼ step, to the parallel universe, reverse ¾ step, and the rain from yesterday’s morning reconnects…
Life is like an open schedule, full of words and ain't no space.
It’s living, need romance to build your own dendrogram, with different appearance to create wonder.
It belongs to the soul in the city.
-- Rita

03. Belief

Birth of 'Belief'
Originates from the danger of the environment
The frontline health workers are guarding their positions in hardship
Something should be done

Describes the powerless and hope combined
Maybe we can make some changes

It's a kind of faith
Its unchangeable ideal
It's unknown, it's beauty and sorrow
-- Jimmy



